Morgan hill unified school district ' s michael jochner :
Morgan hill unified school district ' s michael jochner :
changing the future one meal at a time by Crystal Han
W hat lengths would you go to , and what obstacles would you
overcome , to do the right thing ? For the past six years , Michael
Jochner , the Director of Student Nutrition at Morgan Hill Unified School District , has been showing us what that looks like .
Food has always been Jochner ’ s superpower . It ’ s what led him through an exciting career as an executive chef for Michelin Star French restaurants , country clubs , and Google . When he decided to leave the fast-paced restaurant lifestyle for Morgan Hill Unified School District ’ s ( MHUSD ) nutrition director position — a role drastically different from his duties as a chef , it was this superpower that helped him land the job . Since then , Jochner has been using his chef ’ s food-first mentality to guide the school district towards healthier meals and eco-friendly practices .
Given his chef ’ s background , Jochner has an unconventional approach to school nutrition when compared to his colleagues in other districts . “ The things that come out of my mouth , other directors look at me and go , ‘ What are you talking about ?’ Then maybe a year later they get it ,” Jochner said .
An instance of this was when he decided to get rid of spork kits ( a plastic packet with a napkin , a straw , and a spork ) in school cafeterias . Children who only needed a napkin or a spoon were given the whole packet and they would often throw away the utensils they didn ’ t need .
Main Image : Michael Jochner and Lead Farmer Maxim Banuelos enjoyed an abundant harvest of produce in the greenhouse at Ann Sobrato High School in 2023 , and anticipate a bigger crop this season . Above : Jochner shares his vision for a demonstration farm and expanded hydroponic gardens on 12 acres of land adjacent to the school .
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