Kids Corner : Sponge Painting !
Guest Artists : Jasmine Melendrez : age 4 , Raymond Melendrez : age 6 , Roger Melendrez : age 8 , Mia Rosso : age 16
“ Don ' t think about making art , just get it done . Let everyone else decide if it ' s good or bad , whether they love it or hate it . While they are deciding , make even more art .”
— Andy Warhol
It was wonderful to have guest artists ranging in age from 4 to 16 because this project can be done by everyone . Selfies are so popular , I thought it would be fun to create our own art piece based on a photo and inspired by Pop Artist , Andy Warhol . Adding art history to an art lesson always adds depth .
I started out with a brief background of Andy Warhol . I pointed out the bold , bright colors under photographic images in Warhol ’ s famous serigraphs of Marilyn Monroe and John Lennon and how they were repeated many times to create his end result . Also , Warhol didn ’ t worry about color staying in the lines .
Photo # 2 : Raymond , age 6 , washes out brush between colors .
Photo # 3 : Jasmine , age 4 , & Mia , age 16 finish painting the transparencies .
After the children painted the back of their photos on the transparency , and the paint had dried , I made three color copies of each transparency on my printer for each child . Each had one original transparency painting and three-color copies of the transparency . Then each image was glued to a different color construction paper and then all four images were glued to a black piece of foam board . This is how we got the image repetition and our end result .
The children were excited and painted without fear of making a mistake .
Always , always praise them each step of the way for their color choice , their using the brush to create texture or pattern . Applaud their individuality !
This project is so easy , and it is a surprise when you turn it over and see the end result . I hope you will try this at home !
Photo # 1 : Group paint portraits with acrylic . White paper under photo transparency to better see the features .
gave each guest artist a photo of themselves I
I had printed on transparency film and explained to paint on the back and when it is turned over , the painted color can be seen behind their photo . They were instructed to paint the face a light color , for example : light yellow , pink , light blue , etc ., so the features could be seen . They could also use several light colors . Think light and bright colors everywhere for success !
Black and white picture of yourself or child on a blank background .
Waist up works best , ( you can change any color photo on your phone to black and white ).
A printer to print the photo on transparency film & to make color copies .
Transparency film : 8-1 / 2 by 11 ” ( Order specific for your printer . Ink jet or laser compatible ).
Cover for work area , acrylic paint , brushes , water , container for water , paper plates for pallet , blow dryer , colored construction paper , black foam board , white paper to put behind photo on transparency film while painting , glue stick , paper towels for spills .
64 SPRING 2024 gmhTODAY Magazine : Go . Make history ... gmhtoday . com