And of course , Grace ’ s Japanese heritage was of great importance to her . Born “ Nisei ” or second generation ( to Japanese-born immigrant parents ), Grace kept up a Japanese tradition to make food , such as her famous cabbage chicken salad and Japanese ribs and celebrate on New Year ’ s Day .
“ It was a way to celebrate the beginning of a new year and be thankful for all our friends and their families ,” Sheedy said . “ Mom would make sure everyone had plenty to eat . Along with the food we would serve warm sake .”
Though they took a break from the tradition in 2019 , Sheedy hopes to resurrect it to pass on to her daughter .
Grace was much beloved by the entire South County , her children said . The number of people who came to her funeral was “ astonishing ,” Sheedy said . “ People filled the place , both rooms , the foyer , and people were all standing outside .”
“ Mom prided herself on just always helping . She made sure people had something to eat , to drink and made sure they were okay . She always put herself last ,” Sheedy said .
Despite living a good , long life , her children were still unprepared for her loss . “ Even if they tell you that you have X amount of hours or days left , you think you ’ re ready , but if you get the phone call , you ’ re really not ,” Iwanaga said .
Grace and William were able to retire in 2000 and devote more time to family before William passed in 2003 . Her grandchildren had a bevy of nicknames for her , Sheedy said , “ Gram , G-ma , Crazy Lady , Little One , GiGi and Shorty .”
“ If I can be half the woman she was , I ’ ve done well ,” Sheedy said . “ She ’ s taught me to be kind to everybody .”
TOP LEFT : Grace and William ’ s children ; Jeff , Glenn , David , Warren , Paul , and Lisa , circa 1992 . TOP RIGHT : Grace and daughter Lisa Sheedy , 2015 . MIDDLE : Grace with Grandaughter Lauren and ( first ) great-grandchild ) Mason Mantani taking in a SF Giants game , Sept 2019 . BOTTOM : Grace escorted by grandsons Trevor and Harkin Sheedy , Sept 2016 . BELOW : Four generations of Iwanaga family surround their Matriarch Grace . Thanksgiving 2019 .
Images provided by Grace Iwanaga family
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