by Crystal Han
ast year , California endured one of the most devastating wildfire seasons in decades . “ I ’ ve been doing this job for 29 years and it wasn ’ t just the worst in my memory , it was the worst in recorded history ,” Dwight Good , assistant chief of Cal Fire ’ s Santa Clara County unit , says .
Fire fighters live by the motto , “ You work until the fire ’ s out ,” and it isn ’ t uncommon for many of them to go 25 to forty days without a break during a typical fire season , which Good likens to running a marathon . However , the sheer magnitude of 2020 ’ s fires made that marathon longer and more brutal . “ Last summer we had an awful lot of people who moved from fire to fire to fire and hardly ever saw home ,” he recounts .
Images provided by Team Sanchez for gmhTODAY mike @ gmhtoday . com
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