Ghost Gala
Voice of Cecelia Ponzini CEO Edward Boss Prado Foundation
Every year we have one Fundraiser ( Gala ) to raise money for our Programs . Due to the COVID-19 pandemic , we have decided NO GALA this year . It just doesn ’ t feel right to spend your funds when so many families are still in need of so much . However , we still have Programs to run . If you would like to donate please send check payable to :
Edward Boss Prado Foundation / Cecelia ’ s Closet and Food Pantry 409 Tennant Station # 180 Morgan Hill , CA 95037
or online www . EdwardBossPrado . org
Any donation is appreciated .
Any questions please contact Cecelia Ponzini , CEO Edward Boss Prado Foundation at 408-670-0266
The Edward Boss Prado Foundation A true non-profit run by volunteers only A 501 ( c )( 3 ) organization # 81-1659497 founded in 2013 by Cecelia and Gary Ponzini 35 Peebles Avenue � Morgan Hill , CA 95037 � 408-778-7411 � 408-670-0266
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