Summer time is the time of tree and garden pests . This is especially true during times of drought , when plants and trees are already stressed due to lack of water and nutrients .
Pests , from foreign plant materials and / or fruit , are often brought into our country illegally or through unadvisable travel . Every year millions of trees in our forests and communities are wiped out as a result . The sec ondary effect can be very destructive . It can lead to massive amounts of fire fuel in the form of dead trees and vegetation .
Borer Attack
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How do you know if your garden or trees are being attacked by pests or borers ? Most trees will show you signs they are being attacked . If your trees are receiving adequate water and you are seeing signs of dieback or dead branching , check for bleeding or insect waste along the stem , trunk , or main branching . If detected early , proper treatment may cure the problem before it is too late .
Contact our Alpine Tree Care Division or your local Arborist today !
A Division of : Alpine Landscape , Co . 8787 Monterey Road Gilroy , CA 95020 Phone : 408.846.9511 Fax : 408.846.9501
Contractor ’ s License No . C27 / D49 641870
Borer Attack
Phytophthora Canker
Phytophthora Canker
SUMMER 2022 gmhTODAY Magazine gmhtoday . com