MAIN IMAGE : Jeff with his " kids of summer " ball players take a break in the action to show their enthusiasm and love for the game . LOWER LEFT : Coaches and players put teamwork and character first , creating a positive environment for everyone to participate , learn and grow while having a lot of fun . LEFT : After coming to Morgan Hill in 2013 , Jeff began volunteering immediately . In 2014 , he started the South Valley Flag Football League . Morgan Hill ' s 2022 Man of the Year , he has also volunteered with Morgan Hill ' s Freedom Fest for over 15 years , serving as keg roller , fundraiser , VP , president , and fireworks chair since 2017 . Yet , football is his highest passion and the cause he loves most . BELOW : Future All-Stars , doctors , engineers , teachers , and entrepreneurs in action : one side intent on moving the ball forward , the other side intent on not giving an inch . Editor ’ s note : Kudos to all parents for their positive support of every player , coach , official , and the league organizers . It was noticed and is admirable . BOTTOM : Twin sisters Ella ( L ) and Shay Gamble , 7 , enjoy all aspects of the game . Shay especially likes running the ball . Ella likes playing with friends the most .
a CrossFit athlete , training and competing across the country , and a nicer young lady you won ’ t meet . She talks about her passion for football , and how she realized it through flag football . That ’ s humbling . Because I ’ m just out there to play .”
Though Dixon wants any kid to come play Flag Football who is interested , ultimately he hopes kids will just play any sport , even try them all . “ They need to play sixty minutes a day , and I ’ m a big believer in that . Do I want them all in flag football ? Heck yeah . Do I think that ’ s best for them ? No . I think they need to try everything on and use each sport to help develop into the best they can be .”
In addition to the profound impact the sport has on the kids , Dixon says it is also a meaningful experience for the parents . “ The other thing about flag football is the bonding you see with the parents and their kids , especially the parents who coach , and I don ’ t just mean the dads . It ’ s nice to watch .”
He finds the parents in Morgan Hill to be remarkably without ego or attitude . “ The parents here are the best I ’ ve worked with . It ’ s just an amazing community , so it makes it more fun to serve the kids and their families .”
The cost to participate is $ 200 per season ( 12 games ), which includes a jersey , shorts , and flags . For families that need financial assistance , Dixon can direct them to the non-profit organization Every Kid Sports , which offers full scholarships to cover the costs .
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