gmhTODAY Summer 2023 | Page 64

City Beat Morgan Hill - Using Water Wisely

Reduce , Reuse , Recycle

By Amy Whelan , City of Morgan Hill
Using Water Wisely

No water , no life . No blue , no green . You depend on water , water depends on you . Say it any way you like , but it all comes back to conserving water is now a way of life .

This past winter ’ s heavy rains should not lull us into complacency as another drought , perhaps a devastating drought , is likely in our future again . Conserving water in times of relative plenty helps strengthen our local resilience to shifting climate conditions from one year to the next .
A simple change to a daily routine can have a significant impact on water resources and pay-off immediately to you in the form of reducing your water bill . Consider easy steps , such as : Install high-efficiency toilets , aerators on faucets and waterefficient shower heads .
• Take shorter showers and turn off water when brushing teeth or shaving .
• Plant drought-tolerant plants / trees and recycle indoor water to use on those plants .
• Use a broom to clean driveways , patios and sidewalks instead of water from a hose .
• Water your outdoor landscape earlier in the day when temperatures are cooler .
Transforming your thirsty yard into a beautiful , water-wise landscape is easier than you think . The City of Morgan Hill has partnered with Valley Water to offer a Landscape Rebate Program to do just that . For single-family homes and small multi-family sites , the program covers $ 3 per square foot for the first 1,000 square feet and $ 2 per square foot thereafter . There are also rebates for commercial , institutional , industrial landscapes and larger , multi-family sites . donating unused coats or eyeglasses , and garage sale weekends in both Morgan Hill and Gilroy . “ Second Chance Week ” kicks off on Saturday , Sept . 9 with Morgan Hill ’ s weekend garage sale and continues through Sept . 17 , ending with Gilroy ’ s weekend garage sale . For the full schedule visit http :// www . secondchanceweek . com /.
In addition to recycling cardboard , mixed paper , plastics , glass and metal , residents and businesses are also required by law to compost organic material . Organic material includes vegetable scraps , meat , bones , dairy , and food-soiled paper and napkins that can go in your green yard trimmings cart . Composting organic material instead of sending it to the landfill helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions and can also be used to create a nutrient-rich compost for your own gardening projects .
What Else is in the Works ?
• Coastal Cleanup , collaboration with Valley Water and Clean Creeks Coalition , Sept . 23
• Climate Action Plan progress , including Clear Air Day CA on Oct . 4
• Compost Workshop on Oct . 21 at the Morgan Hill Community & Cultural Center
Resources :
Keep up with the latest news , tips and updates on all activities on Morgan Hill ’ s Environmental Services Facebook page : https :// www . facebook . com / CityofMorganHillEnvironmentalServices /
Reducing Waste
Like all cities in California , state law requires Morgan Hill to divert 50 percent of its waste away from landfills . The city strives to meet or exceed this diversion rate to protect the environment and public health . One way it does so is with “ Second Chance Week ” every September .
“ Second Chance Week ” features innovative reuse , resale and repair activities with a different activity each day , such as
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