gmhTODAY Winter 2022 | Page 36

The Golden Grapevine by Andrea Nicolette

Year ( noun ) - the time taken by the earth to make one revolution around the sun .
Each year is 525,600 minutes filled with our dreams and goals , our hopes and fears , our joy and grief . They are filled with love . As we begin another new year , I think back to my best year ever - 1995 .
At the start of a new year , I reflected on my “ best year ” ever . It was 1995 . I was newly divorced with a baby on my hip and another in tow . With no job and mounting bills , I was at my most vulnerable time . That year , success took on a new definition for me – no longer based on income , titles , or position , but on moments of laughter , long walks on the beach with my little girls , and finding myself .
In a reflective mood , and now curious to learn from some of my friends who ’ ve “ lived a few years ,” I asked ; What was your best year ever , and why ?
Julio Garcia : 1963 - I come from a big family . There were eight kids plus mom and dad . It was a struggle in Mexico . When we moved to Mt . View , my dad got into construction and I started working with him . Over the course of two or three years , I would give my mom all my paychecks to help the family . I was happy to do it . She would give me back about $ 20 bucks - big money back then ! One day in 1963 my dad asked me what I was going to do with all that money . I didn ’ t know what he was talking about . Then he said my mom had saved all my paychecks , and now they were giving me all the money I though went to help the family . My dad told me to go and buy a house with it . Thanks to my parents , I was able to afford a house for my wife and family to start my life in a great position .
Denise Melroy : 2009
Every year has been the very best for me and each year just gets better and better . So , it ’ s very difficult to pinpoint one year . Certainly , the births of my children and those of my grandchildren , as well as the year I got married – a LONG time ago . But , I think one year sticks out and that is 2009 , the year that the Morgan Hill Chamber of Commerce awarded me with the “ Woman of the Year ” award . When I grew up and even through my adult years , I wasn ’ t one of those people who got a lot of awards , so when the Chamber awarded this to me , I was honored beyond words . I ’ ve really never done anything that remarkable but I just couldn ’ t believe that I could get an award like this . I ’ m forever grateful to the Chamber for this award !
Karen Hill : 2021 - Many years ago , I asked my favorite uncle ( who was in his seventies ) what was his favorite time . He told me , “ Its always now .” As odd as it may be , I think this last year has been the best , in spite of the pandemic .
I ’ ve been fortunate my loved ones have all been safe . One of the most wonderful things to happen to me was that I became a caregiver for my granddaughter who is just about to turn two years old . Who knew chasing a toddler could keep you young ? Watching her grow every day is endlessly fascinating and an instructive reminder about what truly matters . Each day I spend with her , I try to remember a special nugget from the day … a shared giggle , a new word , a particularly tight hug . She loves me . I ’ m doing something right .
Andrea Nicolette is the Executive Director , Mt . Madonna YMCA / Centennial Recreation Center , located at 171 W Edmundson Ave ., Morgan Hill 95037 . To learn more about the YMCA lunch program and other progams and resources available , call : 408.762.6018 or visit these websites : ymcasv . org and mhcrc . com .
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