3 . Don ’ t Lose Sight of the Bigger Picture : While it is important to celebrate the small victories , it is equally important not to lose sight of the “ why ” behind your goal . Every goal should have a solid “ why ” behind it . It ’ s not enough to want to lose weight . There needs to be a reason — to be in better health or get off medications , to run a 10K , to get back to your target size and weight , or to simply reclaim your health . Having a solid “ why ” will help you through the tough times and challenges along the way , strengthening your drive to power through .
4 . Stay Flexible and Patient : This is a hard one but a valuable
tip . Be open to modifying your goals as your year progresses and new challenges or opportunities arise . Your goal of losing 30 pounds in six months , while doable , may not have factored in birthday parties , dinners out , and other events . Even doing your best at these extracurricular events , you may find yourself overindulging a time or two . This is where you need to find the balance between going easy on yourself — realizing you ’ re on a great plan , breaking new ground , and making great progress , and not going so easy on yourself that you begin to make poor decisions like deciding you can have a regular cheat day to consume whatever you desire and still hit your goal . The key is not to beat yourself up when things go awry , but also to keep your drive alive to help you shake it off and get back on tract .
5 . Lean on Your Support System : Share your goals with a
few friends or family members . They can offer support , encouragement , and accountability . The best way to achieve any goal is to be accountable to someone who has your best interests in mind . Regular check-ins and updates are the best way to keep it real . If your “ why ” is big enough , put it out there and let others help you stay focused on achieving your goals .
that you rarely follow through , can ’ t succeed , or need to “ stop dreaming and accept your fate .” These seemingly innocuous yearly resolutions unmet can rob you of the drive you need to improve your life . Instead of sticking to the conventional New Year ' s resolutions , consider these approaches :
1 . Continuous Goal Setting : Set short-term goals throughout the year , allowing for quicker feedback and adjustment . Set daily , weekly , monthly goals that you can achieve .
2 . Write Them Down : According to a study conducted in 2015 by Psychology Professor Dr . Gail Matthews at Dominican University in San Rafael CA , people who write down their goals and do weekly check-ins with an accountability partner were twice as likely to achieve their goals than people who merely set goals without writing them down . A link to the study is here : https :// scholar . dominican . edu / cgi / viewcontent . cgi ? article = 1265 & context = news-releases
3 . Develop Positive Habits : Focus on building small , positive habits rather than overarching goals . These habits can lead to lasting change . Goals are heavily based on motivation which can wane over time . By focusing on building habits to achieve your goals you are changing your daily activities and lifestyle . This transforms the motivation factor into a personal drive , or determination , to remain committed to your new , positive habits .
4 . Mindfulness and Reflection : Engage in regular selfreflection to understand your needs and areas for growth .
5 . Seek External Feedback : Those trusted friends or family members who have your best interests in mind can provide valuable insights into areas we might overlook ourselves . With your trusted accountability partner , you can continually take stock , gain perspective , and adjust your goals and plan as needed .
While the tradition of New Year ' s resolutions can be a useful starting point , it ' s not the only path to personal growth . Realizing that improvement is a continuous process allows for a more flexible and forgiving approach . It ' s never too late to start or to reevaluate your goals . Every day offers a new opportunity for growth , and every small step counts in your journey towards self-improvement . We are all capable of much more than we think . Don ’ t let unmet goals in your past stop you from setting new goals and pursuing self-improvement in the future . And remember , the future starts now !
Alternatives to Traditional Resolutions The big , audacious New Year ’ s resolutions are based on
tradition , rarely well-thought out , and rarely achieved . Making and then breaking these goals repeatedly will impact you , as feelings of defeat , letting yourself down , and giving up can build over time . Even the silliest New Year ’ s resolution not met will take its toll . Eventually your subconscious reminds you
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