The new year is credited as a time of new beginnings , resolutions , and fresh starts . However , spring is just around the corner , and it can often be a stressful time for students preparing for the next phase in their academic journeys .
Cash for college : A simple guide to scholarships by Mariam Ndao , Senior - Christopher High School
The new year is credited as a time of new beginnings , resolutions , and fresh starts . However , spring is just around the corner , and it can often be a stressful time for students preparing for the next phase in their academic journeys .
Spring is a busy time for high school seniors who are solidifying their college decisions or future plans . In the midst of this chaos , it can be difficult for parents and guardians to stay updated with the important changes , the fast pace , and the pressures their young adults are experiencing . Scholarships are a major part of college preparations , as they provide financial assistance through one ’ s college experience .
However , the process of applying and finding scholarships can be burdensome . Worse , not having the correct information or a clear understanding of the process of applying for scholarships — or not being aware of all the scholarships that may be available — will result in missing out on thousands of dollars in zero-cost financial aid . This ultimately can result in limiting the choices of college-bound students and add burdensome future debt for both them and their parents . This guide will provide both students and parents with the basic information needed to navigate the world of scholarships .
Scholarships are based and awarded on certain criteria . For instance , merit-based scholarships award students who display excellent academic , athletic , or creative performances . Needbased scholarships are given to students who have a financial need for tuition funding . Community service scholarships are granted to those who have made impactful contributions to their community through community service projects .
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