gmhTODAY 31 Winter 2021 Winter 2021 | Page 32

“ We care for all in the community , including those who are suff ering or in the shadows . I hope we can make a small diff erence and inspire others to serve .”

Jayson Stebbins

Loan Officer / Branch Manager , Guild Mortgage

Jayson personifies a servant ’ s heart . Growing up he served in his dad ’ s restaurant — the Old Fashioned Parlour . Upon graduating from Live Oak High School , he embarked on a full-time mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints . Upon his return in 1993 , he secured his first job in the mortgage industry . Today he is branch manager for Guild Mortgage in Morgan Hill , serving his team members as sales trainer and business coach .

Jayson and his wife of 26 years , Lisa , joyfully give their time , talents , and treasures to support local non-profit organizations . Jayson — who credits Lisa as the driving force , is a gifted emcee and auctioneer . “ She has such a sweet , pure heart .” He says , citing Lisa ’ s love for others and her willingness to serve as his motivation . We agree , but Jayson is no slouch .
For his part , he regularly volunteers at his church , St . Joseph ’ s Family Center and Community Solutions . As a Rotarian , he participates in community projects throughout the year . He emcee ’ s Chamber of Commerce and Realtor Association events . Serving others is a core principle . “ I believe we should lift where we stand , give where we live , and live with an attitude of gratitude .” He says . “ My hope is to inspire people to realize that to give is to be happy .”
His words are humble . His actions , grand . It is not uncommon for Jayson to be the highest bidder during his own auction event . His example and humor inspire others to generously and joyfully give , resulting in hundreds of thousands of dollars raised for local non-profits in his decades of service .
During COVID-19 plagued 2020 , Jayson helped the Gilroy Foundation and Community Solutions host their first ever virtual fundraising events . With agility and his trademark wit , he entertained the online audiences and inspired viewers to give . He hit two home runs — delivering hugely successful events and helping the agencies raise much needed funds .
Jayson believes those who are blessed with success in for-profit businesses have a duty to support those in the nonprofit sector , and those they serve . “ We ’ re all trying to find our way , and we are all brothers and sisters from the same God .” He lives his words and lives his faith . He also plans to do more in 2021 .
Jayson and Lisa live in Gilroy with their three children , Andrew , 21 , Emma Grace , 8 , and Olivia , 6 . Family fun includes trips to Disneyland , watching movies , traveling and spending time together .