gmhTODAY Fall 2023 | Page 55

we let these skills develop at each child ' s pace by challenging them at their own level , and not pressuring those who need a little longer to develop these abilities .
Whether it ’ s grinding acorns for the squirrels in the forest , building a spaceship out of blocks , baking “ cakes ” in the sandbox , or creating play props in the art area , opportunities for child-directed play permeate Mount Madonna ’ s preschool and kindergarten experience . The developmental needs of the whole child are addressed , supported by low student-to-teacher ratios , and with teachers poised to help the children express their ideas , negotiate positive solutions when conflicts occur and guide them in the core values of kindness and compassion .
Play involves the implementation of roles with rules , deep engagement , symbolic props , advanced planning , changing scenarios and voluntary self-regulation . Brain research has found that all of these activities serve to develop a child ’ s prefrontal cortex , which is the home of executive function . Pretend play forms neurological connections in the brain which help children to make meaning of their world . The use of symbols in pretend play also provides the foundation for future reading . ( continued ...)
Pretend play and well-developed executive functioning are linked to a variety of positive outcomes including increased language , communication , creativity , problem-solving skills and the ability to delay gratification .
gmhtoday . com gmhTODAY Magazine : Go . Make history ... FALL 2023 55