gmhTODAY Fall 2023 | Page 56

Brain Building : Continued

When young children engage in hands-on and interactive activities such as drawing , painting , baking , using scissors , felting and sewing , as well as large motor activities such as yoga , dancing , running , jumping , climbing , swinging and calming “ ocean ” breaths , their “ play ” is actually developing their vestibular and proprioceptive neural systems . The development of these systems is called sensory-motor integration or “ brain mapping .” Studies show that sensorymotor integration is essential for developing the executive function abilities required for reading readiness and number sense .

Pretend play and well-developed executive functioning are linked to a variety of positive outcomes including increased language , communication , creativity , problem-solving skills , and the ability to delay gratification . We know that a child who walks earlier will not be a “ better ” walker , and reading earlier is not an indicator of higher intelligence . In studies that follow children through adolescence and into adulthood , the level of executive functioning was more predictive of positive adult outcomes than both IQ scores and socioeconomic status .
Recent research in brain development solidly supports the wisdom of Mount Madonna School ’ s “ playful ,” developmentally appropriate approach to preschool and kindergarten . This approach is the antidote to today ’ s high-pressure “ the earlier the better ” focus for young children and the sedentary electronic activities that are filling up more and more of our children ’ s experience . The outcome of our efforts are capable , compassionate , and creative children who have a joyful and positive attitude towards education that follows them into adulthood .
For more information on this topic :
• “ Smart Moves : Why Learning is Not All in Your Head ” by Carla Hannaford
• “ Pretend Play and Brain Growth : The Link to Learning and Academic Success ” published by the Gesell Institute of Child Development
• The National Association for the Education of Young Children ABOVE : Mt . Madonna School recognizes the importance of play in overall child development . From exploring the outdoors to playing with blocks , this " playful " approach helps develop a positive attitude towards learning .
Hema Walker teaches kindergarten at Mount Madonna School ( MMS ). She taught in the school ’ s preschool and kindergarten program for more than two decades , and also teaches in the MMS Mountain of Fun summer day camps . Hema has completed her certification in teaching yoga and mindfulness to children through the Mount Madonna Institute and loves to weave movement and breath awareness into her teaching .
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