gmhTODAY Spring 2022 | Page 5

- Debbi and Mike
Residents and businesses are now required to compost organic material .
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Debbi & Mike Sanchez , Publishers nmasked ! Welcome to Spring 2022 . Gone are the days of endless


shifting mandates . Gone are the days of uncertainty , division , the “ us versus them ” mentality . Whoops … went too far .
While the days of mandates and masks are behind us , it ’ s important to remind ourselves that there is always uncertainty , and change is the only constant . We also need to be mindful that we are not all the same . In a Democratic Republic we are , by definition , given the freedom to do just about anything we want , and be anyone we want to be . However , we also have to think of our communities and neighbors .
This global shutdown was a major test of our response to crisis , in our daily lives , and how we interacted with one another . I think we passed – but just barely ; in the process of navigating the personal uncertainties of mandates , closures , curfews and safety for ourselves and loved ones , we became bitter , fearful , and toxic . We wished harm , death , and destruction on those who didn ’ t or “ fall in line ” with our fears or beliefs . We confused science for hysteria and quackery , and censored real science that could have saved thousands of lives . Worse , we purposely offended people to “ make our point ,” by throwing tantrums , proclaiming our individual rights over common courtesy , and chewing out store clerks and waitstaff . We griped and complained about everything without lifting a finger to help . The only thing our fingers seem to be good at anymore is to point at someone else ’ s failure .
In spite of all this , there are many unsung heroes who have been tirelessly doing what they always do – leading by example and making their communities better – despite the uncertainties and challenges . We need more leaders like these . They are our neighbors and friends . They truly live among us .
Soon we will be heading to the polls to decide on the kind of leadership we want – locally , regionally , and at the state and national levels . It has been said that a society gets the leaders it deserves ; I think we deserve much better . There are plenty of leaders with the characteristics needed to lead with courage and conviction . There are leaders with an honest desire to serve all people within their jurisdiction and communities , to improve things for all . Seek out these leaders . Vote for them . Support them , question them . Hold them accountable .
Then question yourself . Hold yourself accountable to engaging in our communities through the political process , volunteerism , and by supporting those who will lead us out of the mess we are in . Hold yourself , your family , your co-workers and bosses to a higher standard — and do it by example . Our families , our sphere of influence , our communities , and the South County are all at a critical time in history . We must decide who we are , what we are , and what we stand for . Let ’ s stop yelling and fighting . Let ’ s start talking and caring about each other and our communities . Let ’ s keep lifting each other up instead of holding each other down . Let ’ s lead by example with courage , compassion , and a vision for a better future for all . And by all means , challenge me , too . I need it to grow . We hope you find some inspiration in the stories we share in this issue . We wish you the best in life , health , business , and family . Always .
- Debbi and Mike