gmhTODAY Spring 2024 | Page 28

Grinding it out in the South Valley ...

Conversation and coffee , community style

Running around the South Valley can be a grind . Lucky for us coffee lovers , there are plenty of great spots to grab a good cup o ’ Joe . Our favorite spots include Fifth Street Coffee and the newly opened Camino Coffee in Gilroy , and Grinds , Vines , and Automobilia ( GVA ) and Coffee Guys in Morgan Hill , and Vertigo in San Juan Bautista .

There are many more to choose from , and rumor has it there are more on the way . Some notables include Café 152 Bread Co . in Gilroy , Barrel and Bean in Morgan Hill .
Of course , there are 8 million “ Big Boy ” chain coffee places around the area , and we happened to run into our great friends Remo Ludergnani , Emilio DeSousa , Henry Marquez , and a couple of their pals at one of them recently . In coffee years , we all go back almost a decade with these guys , when we all hung out , made great friends and great memories at Konni Thomas ’ s First Street Coffee — which was the “ Cheers ” of Gilroy back in the day , thanks to Konni and her daughter Kassi who led the place with warmth and joy .
We say , drink more coffee , and make more friends . That ’ s how we do conversation and coffee , community style !
28 SPRING 2024 gmhTODAY Magazine : Go . Make history ... gmhtoday . com