gmhTODAY Summer 2023 | Page 59

Rockin ' for a Cause

Day on the Ridge Rocks and Rolls for Good by Mike Sanchez

What started as a casual conversation between two rock and roll-loving friends has turned into a marquee event held annually to benefit Saint Joseph ’ s Family Center in Gilroy . Friends Ed Sauceda and Shawn Chizanskos drew inspiration from Bay Area music promoter Bill Graham and his “ Day on the Green ” concerts held outdoors at the Oakland Colosseum from the 1970 ’ s until 1991 .

The conversation became a dream , and then a reality . I wasn ’ t there , but I imagine at some point during the conversation , the two beheld the expanse of Shawn ’ s backyard and shouted , in unison , “ Let ’ s do it here !” followed by a synchronized , “ Excellent !”
In 2017 the first Day on the Ridge was held in Shawn and wife Brenda ’ s backyard . The event raised $ 40,576 for St . Joseph ’ s Family Center . A successful three-year run ensued with events in 2018 and 2019 , before the Great Economic Shutdown forced a three-year break in the action .
This year , on Sunday May 28 , Day on the Ridge came back strong , with over 1,000 people attending the all-day event . The line up included country act Whelan Stone , rock and blues extraordinaire Laurie Morvan , tribute bands Fleetwood Mask , Hollywood U2 , and Grammy Award winning headliner Blues Traveler , who ’ s front man John Popper was unable to perform due to an upset stomach . Food trucks and local vendors lined “ Ridge Row ” above the concert area — a natural amphitheater carved into the foothills behind the Chizanskoses Eagle Ridge home . Attendees played life-sized games , enjoyed food , wine and beer . A separate VIP section treated sponsors to a full dinner , appetizers , and concierge service . Several local breweries and wineries donated libations for the event .
Even more important than the amazing time had by all , the Chizanskos and company presented St . Joseph ’ s Executive Director , David Cox , with a check for $ 154,661 — representing all proceeds from the event — just before the headline act took the stage . Upon presenting the check , Chiznaskos told attendees “ You all made this possible .”
Cox , who announced his retirement earlier this year , shared his gratitude for the event organizers , attendees , and participating sponsors and businesses . St . Joseph ' s provides food and other basic resources to underserved members of the community . The need for their services grew exponentially during the pandemic . That increased need seems to be the new normal . Cox and his team ’ s mission is to meet every challenge , every day . Proceeds from the concert help the organization meet their mission year-round .
Good times , organized by great people , in support of a great cause . Day on the Ridge represents the best of Gilroy . The 2024 event is scheduled for Sunday , May 26 . See you there . Rock on !
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