The Feast of the Holy Spirit or Festa Do Espirito Santa commemorates a 700-year-old cultural tradition honoring Queen Isabel ’ s compassionate spirit for the poor . During the 14th century , Queen Isabel prayed to the Holy Spirit for relief for her people . As she left the church , she saw ships coming into the harbor loaded with wheat and grain . She then invited the whole town to a great feast , which is now known as the traditional Portuguese Holy Ghost Sopas .
As the Portuguese started immigrating to the U . S . they brought their culture with them and those across the country and world have celebrated this event ever since . The Portuguese community settling in Gilroy formed the I . D . E . S . Council in 1901 . It was incorporated in 1948 , as I . F . D . E . S ., or Irmandade da Festa do Divino Espirito Santo de Gilroy , California .
Celebrations for the Holy Ghost in Gilroy begin on the fourth Sunday after Easter with the rosary prayed every evening and continues for the week . On Friday , beef is prepared for the Sopas to be delivered on Saturday morning to those who are housebound , the elderly , and those who donate to the lodge . Saturday ’ s celebration includes a dance for the presentation of the Board and Queens . Sunday , the Festa ’ s last day , begins with a procession from the lodge to St . Mary Church for Mass . Afterwards , the procession proceeds back to the lodge , where the Sopas are served . Everyone in the community is invited to attend at no charge , thanks to donations from the Portuguese community .
A few times each year I . F . D . E . S . hosts its popular crab cioppino dinner to help fundraise for the hall ’ s upkeep , insurance , and necessary permits . The building is also available to rent as a venue for parties and celebrations . ( Continued )
MAIN IMAGE : 2023-24 Senior Queen Toni Marie McIntire . LOWER LEFT : President Stephanie with husband and Board Member David Pinheiro . LOWER RIGHT : 2023-24 Junior Queen Braelyn Allen . TOP : Lodges travel near and far to participate in neighboring lodge ' s Holy Ghost Festas from spring through summer . BELOW : 2023-24 I . F . D . E . S . Gilroy Board of Directors .
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