gmhTODAY Summer 2023 | Page 62

Tradition and Connection : Continued

Al Pinheiro , former Gilroy mayor and past president and secretary of I . F . D . E . S ., moved to Gilroy with his family in 1964 when he was 12 . He became active in the I . F . D . E . S . two years later when his family moved a block away from the hall . Pinheiro recalls being in the procession as a boy , wearing a sash representative of Terceira Island , one of the nine islands of the Azores . He continues to be a long-time volunteer , doing “ whatever is needed .”

Pinheiro said one of his favorite memories is when the hall completed its renovation and expansion in the late 1980s . “ That felt like it was a great accomplishment by the community with everyone pitching in and taking down the old barn and it became a nice structure . That was the catalyst for me to get involved in politics ,” he said .
LEFT & ABOVE : Past President Albert Flores and Mafalda Freitas joyfully prepare crab chioppino for hundreds of guests . BELOW : Happy , hungry guests ready for dinner .
the same story . It ’ s hard to keep up the traditions . A few have had to shut down ,” he said .
Stefanie said she hopes her son , a student at Arizona State University , becomes involved in the Portuguese community at school and after graduating . “ We ’ re just lucky that back there in 1901 that they started it and we ’ ve been able to keep it going ,” Al said .
I . F . D . E . S . Gilroy : 250 Old Gilroy St , Gilroy . To learn more call : 408-842-4389 or visit : www . ifdesgilroy . com . For hall rental inquiries , call : Veronica Faria ( 408 ) 843-9999
He also remembers a time earlier in the late 1970s when the hall was in trouble financially . Members pooled their funding to pull it out of the red and it ’ s been financially stable since then .
“ It ’ s been a part of the community that I don ’ t ever want to see go away . It has its struggles just like everyone ,” Al said .
Al and Stefanie , who is Al ’ s daughter-in-law , said it ’ s been challenging keeping the next generation engaged . The hall has tried different offerings to capture their interest , including Friday night dinners and dances . But they ’ ve all been met with limited success and all require volunteers , who are already stretched thin .
“ These all sound like good ideas but we can ’ t find people to commit to them ,” said Stefanie , who added that this year the board , ideally comprised of 15 members , has 13 . “ But we ’ ve had some years where it ’ s been down to nine ,” she said .
Across the state , all Portuguese Halls are experiencing a similar challenge , Al said . “ You can go to all of them and they all have
62 SUMMER 2023 gmhTODAY Magazine : Go . Make history ... gmhtoday . com