The United States of Us :
The Melting Pot , What ' s That Smell ?
by Mike Sanchez
" We hold these truths to be self-evident , that all men are created equal , that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights , that among these are Life , Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness ." - the Declaration of Independence
As our Nation celebrates another 4th of July and year of
Independence , I wonder if rubbing our crushing defeat of England in their faces still holds the sacred importance it once did . I mean , I will admit , it ’ s always an ego boost to gloat over a victory . However , let ’ s keep in mind , England is now our strongest ally in an ever-changing world . Is constantly reminding them how badly we kicked their butts kind of like a bully-weaker kid relationship ? It works for the bully , but how does the weaker kid really feel ?
Much to the delight of many Americans — and the chagrin of many others — we are a Nation divided . We are divided by political parties , lifestyle choices , sports teams , religious views , and by the brands we are conditioned to buy . I ’ m Chevy , you ’ re Ford . I ’ m vegan , you ’ re a blood sucking meat eater … wait , I ’ m the blood sucking meat eater . You ’ re vegan in this example . On and on it goes . There is no end to the ways we are divided from each other . In some ways it ’ s harmless . In other ways not so much .
Afterall , its cool to have a tribe of people you connect with . We all need a tribe . Tribes offer a support system , accountability , and a safe space to be yourself . You might be the leader of the tribe — or you might be a follower . In every tribe there is a pecking order — and every pecking order has a leader at the top , and someone at the bottom . In a tribe , the leader sets the course and tone for the whole tribe . Good leaders eat last . They care for their tribe like a mama bear cares for her cubs . Openness and transparency exist , and all members of the tribe feel valued .
On the other hand , a bad leader of a tribe will crash the boat , sink the ship , and destroy the tribe ’ s health and viability by causing chaos . A bad leader will gaslight and manipulate others to achieve their own agenda , pit members of the tribe against each other , and use diversion and unethical means to keep their status . Another type of bad leader is one who simply just cannot lead . They are the ones propelled into leadership when they are better equipped to be a follower , a task-oriented member , or a support person . They know it , the tribe eventually figures it out , and then it ’ s just awkward for everyone . Eventually this tribe will dissolve or morph in a way that hurts feelings , leaves scars , and leaves people out . ( continued )
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