What ' s That Smell ? Continued
Imagine if George Washington was a bad leader . Myth has it that he stood upright in a wooden boat whilst his troops rowed across the Delaware River during the Revolutionary War in a sneak attack on the Brits in the battle of Trenton . If he was a bad leader would his troops have not gotten in the boat ? It was the dead of Winter , and the troops were weary from the many long battles they fought to get there . Would they have poked holes in the boat to sink the ship ? Sabotage — even self-sabotage is a strategy after all . Thankfully , GW appears to have been a good leader . Otherwise , we ’ d be eating crumpets and drinking tea in the afternoon , mate .
Washington ’ s troops were a tribe . Yet they were integrated along with other tribes into the bigger tribe — the Confederate Army . Like today ’ s military , when called on to meet a challenge greater than themselves , they were able to muster and move , charging ahead with a common goal — kick English butt .
In 2023 , England is no longer our enemy . But toxic tribalism might be . It ’ s not completely our fault . Our Nation ’ s legacy media loves to spin stories for deception and profit . Our biggest industries pay billions for airtime to push what can only
be described as propaganda — thank you Edward Bernays . We are bombarded by “ fear your neighbor ” “ trust your government ” and many other inverted , destructive , and menacing messages . It ’ s no wonder we all look for the solace of tribes : a group of people who all tend to think the same , act the same , and perceive the world around them in similar ways .
During the Great Pandemic and Economic Shutdown , we all sheepishly complied with our government and stayed locked up in our residences . We lived life afraid and at the edge of insanity . Meanwhile , the animals ran the zoo unchecked . We were distracted by “ mask on , mask off ” while our leaders partied like rockstars and raided the coffers — our coffers . The Fed — a private company not affiliated with the US government — went into “ Breaking Bad ’ mode , printing money in the basement like there was no tomorrow , or like crack heads high on their own product . “ Let ’ s flood the market , give some free product away , hook all our clients to increase their dependency on our product , and we ’ ll get rich or die tryin '.”
Every day we hear from our news addiction of choice that one side of the political isle are reptilians , and the other side are communists . In truth , trusting any politician without verifying the truth — from multiple credible sources is a game called “ shame on us .” UFO ’ s , Ukraine , the laptop , all distraction . We allow our elected representatives to pull the wool over our eyes as they bicker , play games , grandstand , and leave us all holding the bag . We pay dearly every day for this status quo of bad leadership we allow from our elected representatives . It works for those in power to keep those not in power divided , uninformed , and anxious .
We have been toxically huddled into a nation of paranoid tribes . We are entertained and worked to death , and the train keeps on rollin .’ ( continued )
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