gmhTODAY Summer 2023 | Page 75

The thing is , we have the power . We , the People . It ’ s built into our founding documents .

The thing is , we have the power . We , the People . It ’ s built into our founding documents .

And , of those documents , our constitution and bill of rights are most important . It ’ s time to re-think the toxic tribalism we ’ ve been manipulated into submission with , and build a network of healthy , informed tribes that connect to one great tribe : the modern , informed , reasonable , empowered , compassionate Americans . In this tribe there is room for everyone . Yes , Dodger fans can play too . It ’ s the only way we can ever hope to realize the idea of America that our founders — flawed as they were — envisioned . And there is much we can do if we are courageous enough to act .

Let ’ s start small . In our communities , let ’ s set aside our differences and egos and work together — reds and blues , reptilians and communists — to make our communities the best they can be . Who gave us those names anyway ?
Let ’ s stop looking at the world around us as a place of lack , or a place where I want what you got . Those in leadership positions should lead with a mindset of plenty because there is plenty to go around .
Let ’ s realize that communities built by “ your way or the highway ” will never fully flourish . That will change the way we treat each other overnight . Oh , can we stop name calling others who don ’ t agree with our limited views of the world ? After all , name calling is the tactic of those who have no depth to their argument , and no verifiable proof of their claims . No more name calling — not in my back yard . ( That makes me a NIMBY )
Let ’ s make sure our local officials hear our voices . Let ’ s also give them the respect they deserve for serving at our pleasure and to effect change for our best interests . It ’ s a thankless job most of the time . Still , accountability and transparency should be prioritized . Integrity and doing what ’ s best for all our residents is what matters .
Let ’ s start building our healthy tribes in a way that leaves an empty seat for that neighbor , that stranger , that fellow community member to find a welcome place . Let ’ s be okay with Fords , and Chevys , blood sucking meat eaters and vegans . Who really cares ? At the end of the day , or on our deathbed , what really matters ? ( continued )
gmhtoday . com gmhTODAY Magazine : Go . Make history ... SUMMER 2023 75