What ' s That Smell ? Continued
Let ’ s not parrot talking points but really get to know issues we have a position on and engage people with different views in productive conversations . Let ’ s not take it personal when others don ’ t see our point . Let ’ s ask more questions , and answer others . That is a formula for thinking critically . We all have the right to our opinions , our likes , and dislikes . That does not give us permission to be hateful , violent , or rude . Can we be rational ? Can we be helpful and constructive rather than divisive and destructive ? There is much at stake , and we should be serious , rational , and wise . We should also remember to use humor at all costs .
America was once called the Melting Pot . Lately it seems like the soup is burning . Meanwhile our elected officials are eating filet mignon ( sorry vegans , they could be eating soy ). The point is , it ’ s up to us to be accepting , patient , caring neighbors , even if the guy next door is a Raider fan . ( Man , I couldn ’ t wait to get that one in ). Twenty , fifty , one-hundred years from now we ’ re all gone . What then shall we have lived for now ?
It ’ s been said that all politics are local . I say let ’ s make politics work for us — all of us . Not the other way around . I also say that greatness comes from pushing people up , not holding them down . It starts by building an integrated community , one tribe all rowing in the same direction — for the betterment of all our community members . It ’ s a messy process . However , I think we need to start having conversations on how to build our communities into all they can be . We all need to have a voice : from our elders to our kids and grandkids , from our working families to our underserved and underrepresented , all people from all social strata and walks of life . We are all one tribe . And we must find the strength and faith to keep working at it . Or , we may lose it all while we ’ re being distracted or entertained .
Let ’ s build the best Gilroy , Morgan Hill , San Martin , and South County we can , then do the same for our Nation . If it doesn ’ t work , we always have the English to make us feel better ! We ’ ll just rub our crushing victory in their faces next 4th of July .
By the way , this is me , just thinking out loud . If you have any thoughts in agreement or opposition , or if you simply just have better ideas , feel free to reach out . You can contact me at : Mike @ gmhtoday . com .
76 SUMMER 2023 gmhTODAY Magazine : Go . Make history ... gmhtoday . com