Morgan Hill Chamber of commerce : continued
The Chamber has also launched an applied training and educational platform in collaboration with Santa Clara County ’ s Workforce Development Fiscal Agent , Work2Future . It consists of a workforce development business internship , assistance with new hire onboarding , and incumbent employee training programs . All three of these programs are federal and state-run grant subsidies that cover cost per employee ( up to specific caps ) with the intention of providing pathways for job seekers , young adults , and existing workers to advance their job skills at no cost to the employer . From “ hire to retire ” the Morgan Hill Chamber of Commerce endeavors to provide every resource needed to help business owners and workers find success .
Lastly , the first of several “ Retail Focused Educational Series ” workshops was hosted by Raina Munson at her shop , The Secret Door , with guest speaker Nathan Ulsh , Partner at Community Strong Strategies , who provided the audience with trends and forecasts of the Retail Market , as well as targeted Morgan Hill assets to consider for retail business resiliency and growth . Check out The Chamber website and sign up for our newsletter to be notified of future workshops in this series . We look forward to bringing more educational content to local retailers in 2024 , covering business growth , collaboration , social media , and other relevant topics .
“ As a Chamber our goal is to help local businesses thrive . We want to provide our retailers with as much knowledge as we can to help them succeed and by hosting these educational workshops , we aim to not only offer lessons but drive collaboration and build a community of support for business owners who face many of the same things on a day-to-day basis .” Nick Gaich , President and CEO of the Morgan Hill Chamber stated .
To learn more about these programs and register for future programs , please contact Nick Gaich : nick @ morganhillchamber . com or Lori Allen : lori @ morganhillchamber . org
Morgan Hill Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Nick Gaich and Director of Social Media , Digital Advertising , and Quick 5 Podcast Producer , Kylie McLaughlin . The Chamber is leading the charge to prepare , equip , and empower Morgan Hill residents who are seeking local employment to find opportunities benefitting themselves and local employers . Visit : morganhillchamber . org
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