gmhTODAY Summer 2024 | Page 57

active listening , and problem solving . If I trust you less than those who agree with me and don ’ t challenge — or at least suspend — my own biases , we won ’ t get far in conversation , and we can ’ t begin to agree on how best to solve issues . ( 2 )
News media , companies with large platforms , and other groups and individuals who have influence in society have biases too . From the information they disseminate to the limited sources they cite , these entities and individuals have the power to sway opinions — or worse — confirm false narratives , partial truths , and convince the public that they are the only arbiter of truth . It ’ s not one side or the other , it ’ s a universal problem . When we are constantly fed purple soap , we can ’ t help but burp purple bubbles .
How then do we go about opening our mind to the possibility that we may not have all the information on a given subject ? Assuming we have the courage to suspend our biases long enough to actively listen to another perspective , additional information , or an opposing view , it ’ s a relatively easy process . And , like any tool , the more you use it , the more proficient you become .
What does suspending your biases look like ? It ’ s less scary than you may think . No one is asking you to forget what you believe , turn your back on your ideals , or surrender your faith . Quite the opposite , you should have enough confidence in your deeply held beliefs to stand on them like a firm foundation as you seek a deeper understanding of the issue at hand . When you engage in the discovery of new facts and perspectives , test them against your foundational beliefs . Many times , there is resonance with your beliefs and the new knowledge . Other times not so much . When you can find alignment and harmony , you have found growth and renewed perspective . Where no alignment exists , at least you ’ ve grown in your understanding of another perspective . Engaging in this way can benefit all parties , and can start to change how individuals , groups , and communities view one another .
When seeking information , attempt to find sources from all sides of the issue , and from sources independent of any outcome . Our research-to-conclusion ratio should be in the neighborhood of 100 to 1 , and always subject to evolve over time . Again , no one is suggesting you surrender your deeply held beliefs . Just have enough confidence in your beliefs to test new information against your biases , or presuppositions . It is a constant refining of the mind . If we are in the question asking business rather than the answer giving business , we will ultimately find more answers and growth . ( continued ...)
gmhtoday . com gmhTODAY Magazine : Go . Make history ... SUMMER 2024 57