gmhTODAY Summer 2024 | Page 58

a world upside down , part two : continued


would love to help find answers to the tough questions society faces on both local and global levels . My method of choice is to ask questions . When questions are not welcome , society suffers . Have you noticed that will live in an era where questions are not always welcome ? As American citizens , our liberty and freedoms depend on We the People asking questions of our public servants for accountability and transparency . As residents in our local communities , we should be asking the same questions of our local public servants .
I have lots of questions , but I am currently fixated on these . If you have any thoughts you ’ d like to share , the coffee is on me .
Can we love our troops and hate war ?
Does the justice system need reform ?
Should missing , abused , and exploited children be rescued ?
Where are the missing children ? Should human trafficking be abolished ?
Why do we really keep fighting wars ? And why do we wage war against non-combatant populations ? ( If this were American football , both teams would be rushing the stands . It makes no sense .)
Do we not understand the trauma of war on children and the effects of war on civilian populations ?
Why do we protest peace protests ? ( Since MLK and Kent State , I have never understood this one .)
Why does our government infiltrate peaceful protests to cause chaos ? ( I know , I ’ m getting all “ flat earth ” on you now .)
Why has the great American eugenics movement not been exposed for its true agenda behind many US and global programs and policies ? ( At the very least , there are interesting connections .)
What ’ s wrong with a cease fire proclamation at the local level ? ( We ’ re not picking sides ; we ’ re stopping the bullets and bombs from killing civilians . We raise flags in support of global initiatives , let ’ s raise the ” time-out , everyone back to your neutral corner ” sign .)
Do we as a community oppose stopping the bullets and bombs from killing civilians ?
Have you been to the “ Soul of my Soul ” art exhibit ? It is an art project founded by a group of South County mothers who decided something should be done to raise awareness of the plight of the Palestinian people , and to give local grieving children a way to process their pain . The mothers are “ Not all Muslims or Arabs , but we are all humans .”
If the Soul of my Soul art exhibit was hosted locally for free , would you consider attending ?
( 1 ) http :// dx . doi . org / 10.1037 / 0000135-001 Cognitive Dissonance , Second Edition : Reexamining a Pivotal Theory in Psychology , E . Harmon-Jones ( Editor ) Copyright © 2019 by the American Psychological Association https :// www . apa . org / pubs / books / Cognitive-Dissonance-Intro-Sample . pdf
( 2 ) © 2024 The Decision Lab , Confirmation Bias : https :// thedecisionlab . com / biases / confirmation-bias : info @ thedecisionlab . com
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